District Level Throwball Tournament for PU Boys and Girls was held on 29th Sept 2022, representing Thaluk Level teams. 7 Boys teams and 7 Girls teams participated in the tournament.
Inaugrated by : Yermal Uday K Shetty, President of old student’s Association.
Guest : Sri Yashpal Suvarna, Sri Sridhar Rao, Sri Jaya C Kotian, Smt. Mamatha Naveen, Sri Santhosh Barpani, Sri.Nagaraj Shetty, Sri.Ramakrishna Pai, Sri Jeevan Kumar Shetty, Sri Dinesh Kumar
Boys Winners Team– Amrutha Bharati,Hebri
Boys Runners Team– Karkala
Girls Winners Team– Kaup
Girls Runners Team– Brahmavar
Winners and Runners Trophy and Individual Prizes were sponsored in the memory of Late. Sri Jaganath Shetty by his sons,Yermal .